Opportunities for Program Assistants (PAs) 
Girls Currently in 6th - 11th Grade

Sequoia Day Camp offers several programs for our Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador girls to work towards.  Each one has specific requirements and prerequisites that must be met to earn the award.  (Click on link at bottom of the page for specifics.)

PA spots are first come first served during registration, and fill up FAST, so register early!  Please add yourself to the wait list if all spots are filled, as we sometimes have cancellations.

Leadership Opportunities for girls currently in 6th to 11th grade cost $50 for the week and include: Specialty and Leadership Training, Camp T-Shirt and Patch, Award(s) and Certificate, Supplies (like tie-dye), and PA Orientation Day.

To be eligible for these leadership opportunities, your daughter must take the Council run PA Core Training before camp. She only needs to take the core training once in her life as a scout.

PAs must also commit to the following camp hours: 
PA Camp Hours:
- Mandatory camp prep, training day = Sunday, June 23, 9:30am - 1:00pm
- Camp = Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28, 8:00am - 2:30pm 

CIT participants' hours will be extended leading up to camp to plan the training session with the adult PA Director. 

What are the leadership options at camp?
Sequoia Day Camp offers three leadership positions: Patrol PA, Station PA, and CIT.

  • Patrol PA: Two or three Patrol PAs work together to lead a patrol of 10-11 younger girls.  Patrol PAs stay with their patrols all day.  They rotate through stations and eat lunch with them.  They help the younger girls build relationships with each other, teach songs, and lead games if there is downtime after an activity ends.  Girls must be at least 2 years older than the girls in their patrol. 
  • Station PA: Station PAs work with other station PAs and adult volunteers throughout the week to lead the stations that the patrols rotate through.  Station PAs will typically stay at a station for one to two days.  We encourage the station PAs to learn the station material and take the lead in running the station and teaching the girls who come through.  Part of the Girl Scout mission is to learn by doing.  Being a station PA provides a great opportunity for this.
  • CIT: CITs, or Counselors in Training are typically entering 11th or 12th grade. These girls work with the (adult) PA Director to plan and execute the PA training day and actively oversee the PAs and PA awards during camp.   

Click HERE to see the requirements for our Older Girl Awards